Salute the Saints
Bro. John finishes our journey through the book of Philippians with an admonition from Paul to greet one another with love and to pray for each other daily.
Bro. John finishes our journey through the book of Philippians with an admonition from Paul to greet one another with love and to pray for each other daily.
Bro. John continues in Philippians chapter four with a message on the importance of the church being diligent in our search for opportunities to assist those around us, starting with others in the church and working our way into the community.
This week we finish the section of Philippians 4 going over the different attributes Paul is encouraging the church to think on with Paul imploring that them not only to think on these things but to act on them as well.
Bro John continues his study in Philippians 4 with Paul encouraging the church to think on things that are Lovely.
Bro. John speaks from Philippians chapter 4 with an exhortation from Paul to think on things that are pure followed by an explanation of the concept of Purity.
Bro. John continues in Philippians 4 with an exhortation from Paul to think on things that are Just with an explanation of what exactly it means to be Just.