Blessed Be
Bro. John speaks this morning from the book of Ephesians on the blessings we receive when we submit our lives to Christ and how we can be a more positive influence on the community around us.
Bro. John speaks this morning from the book of Ephesians on the blessings we receive when we submit our lives to Christ and how we can be a more positive influence on the community around us.
Bro John talks about how we are to not burden ourselves with the cares of the world, but we are to cast our worries on Jesus, because he cares for us.
Elder Tommy speaks on Mark 12, and expounds on Christ’s response concerning the greatest commandment.
Bro. John takes us through the early stages of what we know about Abram. From his leaving Ur of the Chaldees, down into Egypt and back up into Canaan. He further focuses on Abram’s putting God at the center of his life and God leading Abram through his periods of doubt.
Brother John uses the church of Philippi treatment of the Apostle Paul as an example of the way we ought to minister unto one another.
Bro John continues his study in Philippians 4 with Paul encouraging the church to think on things that are Lovely.
Bro. Tommy continues in John this time in Chapter 20 where he reminds us that the only thing that really matters is that Jesus loves us and how that can be a comfort in all stages of life.