Blessed Be
Bro. John speaks this morning from the book of Ephesians on the blessings we receive when we submit our lives to Christ and how we can be a more positive influence on the community around us.
Bro. John speaks this morning from the book of Ephesians on the blessings we receive when we submit our lives to Christ and how we can be a more positive influence on the community around us.
Bro. John returns to Genesis for the story of Hagar. Through the story he illustrates how things can go awry when we try to make God work within our framework. He then discusses how God was with Hagar.
Bro. Tommy continues our journey through the book of John, this week focusing in Chapter 10. He bases this message on God being the example of the good shepherd that pastors should strive to emulate.
Bro. John continues our journey through the book of Genesis with an overview of Chapter 2. He discusses the differences between the two creation accounts and how the version in chapter 2 is essentially from man’s perspective.
Bro. Tommy speaks from John once more, his message revolves around God’s high priestly prayer at the end of John 17. He discusses how comforting it is to know that Jesus prays for us and the blessing of the indwelling of the spirit.
Elder Tommy preaches on the topic of love and points out that the source of love is God. If we have the fruit of the Spirit love, it is an evidence that we are born of God and know God.
Elder John turns to 1 Peter and points out that suffering is apart of life, but he focuses this sermon on suffering for the name of Christ. By being Christians our light is manifest therefore our lifestyle condemns the world. Our purpose is to bear His image and glorify God. Elder John encourages us to…