Do You Know HIM? Pt. 3
Bro. Derrick concludes our annual meeting by encouraging us with the knowledge that God is our mediator and stands between us and the Father to intercede on our behalf.
Bro. Derrick concludes our annual meeting by encouraging us with the knowledge that God is our mediator and stands between us and the Father to intercede on our behalf.
Bro John continues his study in Philippians 4 with Paul encouraging the church to think on things that are Lovely.
Bro John continues in Jude, which reminds us of the dangers of unbelief and rebellion against God presented in the Old Testament.
Bro. John starts in Daniel to recount a prophecy of the coming Messiah and then visits the Gospels to demonstrate Christ fulfilling that prophecy with his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.
Bro John preaches about the calls the God gives to us, and what we can and should do in response to those calls.
Bro. John returns to Genesis, first going over the end of Isaac’s and Rachel’s lives and continuing with a more detailed telling of the early life of Joseph leading up to his being elevated by Pharoah.
Bro. John opens with a reminder from Isaiah 52 to rejoice and encourage one another because we serve a God who reigns and has redeemed us from sin. Bro. Gary Harvey then encourages us in the fact that God is pleased when we try to serve him, but no matter what we do God is…