Highlights in Genesis Pt.5
Bro. John continues our study in the book of Genesis today covering the genealogy from Adam to Noah including the meanings of their names and how that too points to Christ as well as the sins that led to the Flood.
Bro. John continues our study in the book of Genesis today covering the genealogy from Adam to Noah including the meanings of their names and how that too points to Christ as well as the sins that led to the Flood.
Bro John sums up the lesson of the book of I Peter, and our call to suffer as a Christian.
Bro. John takes us to Proverbs to discuss the women who are described as barren in the scriptures. He uses these examples to illustrate that sometimes God allows his children to go through situations that only he can get them out of so that when he delivers he receives all the glory.
Bro. Tommy instructs us on how we are to speak to ourselves in “Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs” and how doing so helps us on our journey.
Bro. Derrick concludes our annual meeting by encouraging us with the knowledge that God is our mediator and stands between us and the Father to intercede on our behalf.
Bro John speaks on the many graces, both eternal and temporal, that the Lord has bestowed upon his children.
As we continue in Genesis Bro. John speaks to us on God changing the names of Abram and Sarai to Abraham and Sarah, the importance of that change and God delivering on his promises exactly as he said he will exactly when he decides to.