Reprove the World
Bro. Tommy takes us to John 16 and focuses on verses 8 through 11 and the idea that the Holy Spirit reproves the world through the children of God.
Bro. Tommy takes us to John 16 and focuses on verses 8 through 11 and the idea that the Holy Spirit reproves the world through the children of God.
Bro. John finishes our journey through the book of Philippians with an admonition from Paul to greet one another with love and to pray for each other daily.
Elder Tommy reminds us to be ever looking for the coming of the Lord Jesus, and to live our lives in hope of his coming. Elder Matt Pitney introduces services and offers prayer.
Bro. Tommy continues in John this time in Chapter 20 where he reminds us that the only thing that really matters is that Jesus loves us and how that can be a comfort in all stages of life.
Bro. John speaks from Genesis 9 with the story of Ham and his attempt to usurp authority from Noah in a similar manner to how Absalom later usurped authority from David.
In John we find a good lesson on how we should evangelize. Nathanael was skeptical and suspicious at first but Jesus knew him, saying “when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.” Nathanael had a complete change in attitude right away. Elder Tommy preaches about what happened to Nathanael under the fig tree…
Elder Tommy preaches from Isaiah, encouraging us to trust in the Lord, even in times where it seems we have no light.