Elder Tommy Green-Faith vs Sight
Elder Tommy speaks on walking by faith, contrasted with walking by sight.
Elder Tommy speaks on walking by faith, contrasted with walking by sight.
Elder Tommy preaches from Isaiah, encouraging us to trust in the Lord, even in times where it seems we have no light.
Elder John turns to 1 Peter and points out that suffering is apart of life, but he focuses this sermon on suffering for the name of Christ. By being Christians our light is manifest therefore our lifestyle condemns the world. Our purpose is to bear His image and glorify God. Elder John encourages us to…
Brother John goes through John 17, and points out that Christ prayed not only for the apostles, but for us as well.
Bro. Tommy speaks from John once more, his message revolves around God’s high priestly prayer at the end of John 17. He discusses how comforting it is to know that Jesus prays for us and the blessing of the indwelling of the spirit.
Bro. Tommy starts once more in John chapter 17 and discusses the importance Christ places upon unity in the body. From there we go to 1 Corinthians and cover the different gifts Paul outlines within the early church and how we can use these gifts to assist those around us.
Bro John begins a series in the book of Jude, focusing on the first two verses in this sermon, which teach us some fundamental truths about God, the plan of salvation, and our place in that plan.