Elder John Harvey- Overseeing the Flock
Elder John speaks on what the scripture says about church governance, the role of elders, deacons, and the congregation.
Elder John speaks on what the scripture says about church governance, the role of elders, deacons, and the congregation.
Elder Tommy reminds us to be ever looking for the coming of the Lord Jesus, and to live our lives in hope of his coming. Elder Matt Pitney introduces services and offers prayer.
Bro. Tommy takes us back to Genesis Chapter 15 to focus on Abram and God’s promises to Abram. He illustrates that in Abram’s life and his descendants lives God always fulfilled his promises though not always in the timeframe they would’ve preferred but it was always the right time.
Bro. Tommy instructs us on how we are to speak to ourselves in “Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs” and how doing so helps us on our journey.
Brother Tommy returns to John 10 to highlight how Pastors ought to follow Christ’s example in caring for their congregation in a world filled with forces who would seek to divide. Brother John goes to Matthew 24 to further warn of those who would look to deceive.
Bro John continues his study in Philippians 4 with Paul encouraging the church to think on things that are Lovely.
This week we finish the section of Philippians 4 going over the different attributes Paul is encouraging the church to think on with Paul imploring that them not only to think on these things but to act on them as well.