Elder Tommy Green – Love
Elder Tommy preaches on the topic of love and points out that the source of love is God. If we have the fruit of the Spirit love, it is an evidence that we are born of God and know God.
Elder Tommy preaches on the topic of love and points out that the source of love is God. If we have the fruit of the Spirit love, it is an evidence that we are born of God and know God.
Bro. John speaks this morning from the book of Ephesians on the blessings we receive when we submit our lives to Christ and how we can be a more positive influence on the community around us.
Bro John talks about how we are to not burden ourselves with the cares of the world, but we are to cast our worries on Jesus, because he cares for us.
Bro. John continues the journey in Genesis covering the fourth and fifth chapters focusing on the story of Cain and Abel and the importance of offering God the best of what we have.
Bro. Tommy continues in John this time in Chapter 20 where he reminds us that the only thing that really matters is that Jesus loves us and how that can be a comfort in all stages of life.
Bro. John takes us to Isaiah to recount prophecies of the coming Messiah before going over what we know of the early years of Christ’s life.
Bro. John follows Bro. Vince with a message on the renewal provided by Christ on the cross and allowing that to influence us in the New Year.