Sanctified, Preserved, Called
Bro John begins a series in the book of Jude, focusing on the first two verses in this sermon, which teach us some fundamental truths about God, the plan of salvation, and our place in that plan.
Bro John begins a series in the book of Jude, focusing on the first two verses in this sermon, which teach us some fundamental truths about God, the plan of salvation, and our place in that plan.
Bro. John continues our journey through the book of Genesis with an overview of Chapter 2. He discusses the differences between the two creation accounts and how the version in chapter 2 is essentially from man’s perspective.
Bro. Tommy continues in John this time in Chapter 20 where he reminds us that the only thing that really matters is that Jesus loves us and how that can be a comfort in all stages of life.
In John we find a good lesson on how we should evangelize. Nathanael was skeptical and suspicious at first but Jesus knew him, saying “when thou wast under the fig tree, I saw thee.” Nathanael had a complete change in attitude right away. Elder Tommy preaches about what happened to Nathanael under the fig tree…
Bro John speaks on the prayer of the Apostle Peter for the church, that God would make them perfect, stablish, strengthen, and settle them.
Elder John speaks on what the scripture says about church governance, the role of elders, deacons, and the congregation.
Bro. Tommy speaks from John once more, his message revolves around God’s high priestly prayer at the end of John 17. He discusses how comforting it is to know that Jesus prays for us and the blessing of the indwelling of the spirit.