Highlights in Genesis Pt.14
Bro. John returns to Genesis, first going over the end of Isaac’s and Rachel’s lives and continuing with a more detailed telling of the early life of Joseph leading up to his being elevated by Pharoah.
Bro. John returns to Genesis, first going over the end of Isaac’s and Rachel’s lives and continuing with a more detailed telling of the early life of Joseph leading up to his being elevated by Pharoah.
Bro. John returns to Genesis starting with the end of chapter 21 dealing with the covenant made between Abraham and Abimelech at Beersheba. Following that we delve into the Abraham and Isaac when God provides a lamb for the sacrifice in place of Isaac. The lesson being God sometimes calls us to be willing to…
Bro. John brings us to chapters 20 and 21 of Genesis. First he covers Abraham making the same mistake in deceiving Abimelech in the same fashion he did Pharoah and Abimelech reproving Abraham and Sarah after God visits him. From there we go over the good news of Isaac’s birth and tie in the fact…
Bro. John takes us through Genesis 18 and 19. He covers the story of Lot and Sodom and Gomorrah. In doing so he goes over the sins that took place there and how the things we allow ourselves to be around can effect our walk as Christians.
As we continue in Genesis Bro. John speaks to us on God changing the names of Abram and Sarai to Abraham and Sarah, the importance of that change and God delivering on his promises exactly as he said he will exactly when he decides to.
Bro. John returns to Genesis for the story of Hagar. Through the story he illustrates how things can go awry when we try to make God work within our framework. He then discusses how God was with Hagar.
Bro. Tommy takes us back to Genesis Chapter 15 to focus on Abram and God’s promises to Abram. He illustrates that in Abram’s life and his descendants lives God always fulfilled his promises though not always in the timeframe they would’ve preferred but it was always the right time.
Bro. John takes us through the early stages of what we know about Abram. From his leaving Ur of the Chaldees, down into Egypt and back up into Canaan. He further focuses on Abram’s putting God at the center of his life and God leading Abram through his periods of doubt.
Bro. John speaks from Genesis 9 with the story of Ham and his attempt to usurp authority from Noah in a similar manner to how Absalom later usurped authority from David.
We return once more to the Book of Genesis as Bro. John brings us to the story of the Flood. We view Noah in contrast to those around him and the importance of his walk with God.