Called Unto Grace
Bro John preaches about the calls the God gives to us, and what we can and should do in response to those calls.
Bro John preaches about the calls the God gives to us, and what we can and should do in response to those calls.
Bro John speaks on the many graces, both eternal and temporal, that the Lord has bestowed upon his children.
Bro. Tommy takes us back to Genesis Chapter 15 to focus on Abram and God’s promises to Abram. He illustrates that in Abram’s life and his descendants lives God always fulfilled his promises though not always in the timeframe they would’ve preferred but it was always the right time.
Bro. John follows Bro. Vince with a message on the renewal provided by Christ on the cross and allowing that to influence us in the New Year.
Bro. Derrick Kitchens joins us for our annual meeting and starts a mini series entitled “Do You Know Him?” asking us how well we actually know our savior and encouraging us to study harder to really dive deep into who our God is. Tonight’s focus is on God as our Bread of Life.
Bro. John starts in Daniel to recount a prophecy of the coming Messiah and then visits the Gospels to demonstrate Christ fulfilling that prophecy with his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.
Bro. John continues the journey in Genesis covering the fourth and fifth chapters focusing on the story of Cain and Abel and the importance of offering God the best of what we have.