Remember the Warnings
Bro John continues in Jude, which reminds us of the dangers of unbelief and rebellion against God presented in the Old Testament.
Bro John continues in Jude, which reminds us of the dangers of unbelief and rebellion against God presented in the Old Testament.
Bro. John returns to Genesis, first going over the end of Isaac’s and Rachel’s lives and continuing with a more detailed telling of the early life of Joseph leading up to his being elevated by Pharoah.
Bro. John starts in Daniel to recount a prophecy of the coming Messiah and then visits the Gospels to demonstrate Christ fulfilling that prophecy with his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.
This week we finish the section of Philippians 4 going over the different attributes Paul is encouraging the church to think on with Paul imploring that them not only to think on these things but to act on them as well.
Bro. John brings us to chapters 20 and 21 of Genesis. First he covers Abraham making the same mistake in deceiving Abimelech in the same fashion he did Pharoah and Abimelech reproving Abraham and Sarah after God visits him. From there we go over the good news of Isaac’s birth and tie in the fact…
Bro. John speaks this morning from the book of Ephesians on the blessings we receive when we submit our lives to Christ and how we can be a more positive influence on the community around us.
Brother John goes through John 17, and points out that Christ prayed not only for the apostles, but for us as well.